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The Oral History Network of Ireland invites you to a celebration of the work of community oral heritage collectors and preservers. Speakers from a range of community oral history projects will highlight the potential of community collecting and reflect on the practical challenges they face. The event will provide an opportunity to discuss the future needs and requirements to support community oral heritage collection and preservation across Ireland.

09:30 Registration (with welcome refreshments)
10:00 Ireland’s Oral Heritage – An Overview
10:30 Training Session – Approaching an Oral History Project
12:30 Lunch (provided)
13:30 Community Showcase – Potential of community collecting
14:30 Networking Tea / Coffee Break
14:50 Community Learning – Challenges of community collecting
15:50 Future of Community Oral Heritage
16:30 Ends

This is a free event, kindly funded by the Heritage Council, but registration is required as numbers are limited. Register via: https://communityoralheritage.eventbrite.ie before Thursday 31st October to secure your place.


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