2019 Conference
‘Oral History in a Digital World’
Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
28th and 29th June 2019
Keynote Address by Doug Boyd
‘Accelerating Change: Oral History and Innovation‘
Director of the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History,
University of Kentucky
and manager of Oral History in the Digital Age
The Oral History Network of Ireland (OHNI) is pleased to announce its 2019 conference on the theme of ‘Oral History in a Digital World’. Collecting oral history in digital formats and putting recordings online is increasingly becoming standard practice for oral historians, as such this conference offers a timely opportunity to consider the possibilities and challenges offered by technological advances and wider accessibility to collections through online platforms. This two-day conference will take place in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June 2019.
Continuing OHNI’s tradition of inviting keynote speakers of international renown, we are delighted to welcome Director of the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky, past president of the Oral History Association and manager of Oral History in the Digital Age, Doug Boyd to this year’s conference. Doug is a key innovator in the archiving and dissemination of oral history and leads the team who developed the free, open source OHMS system which synchronises text with audio and video online. He is the co-editor (with Mary A. Larson) of the book Oral History and Digital Humanities: Voice, Access, and Engagement published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2014.
Our conference programme is now available to download – Programme Oral History in a Digital World. The conference Registration Form can be found below.
There will be three workshops offered as part of this year’s conference. Please note that Workshops A and B will run concurrently on Friday morning, so please select which of the two workshops you would like to attend. Workshop C will be held on Saturday morning. Spaces are limited for each workshop so please book early to avoid disappointment. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first served basis.
a. Interviewing Basics – Presenter: Maura Cronin
b. Using Audacity for Oral History Audio Editing – Presenter: David F. Moloney
c. Introduction to OHMS: Enhancing Access to Online Oral History – Presenter: Doug Boyd
Fee Waiver Scholarships
This year we will offer two fee waiver places for our conference. You can apply for one of the places by downloading the form here – Fee Waiver Application Form. Completed forms and any applicant queries should be directed to info@oralhistorynetworkireland.ie. The deadline for applications is Friday 26th April.
Hotel Accommodation
The Strand Hotel in Limerick City is reserving a limited number of rooms for conference delegates at a special conference rate of €116 per night until the 16th June. To book please contact the Strand Hotel at reservations@strandlimerick.ie or call 061 421 885 directly quoting ‘Mary I’ (Mary Immaculate College). This rate is not available online. Any bookings made online will be at the quoted rate, and this cannot be changed.
The location of the hotel and a map can be found here. Bookings will be on a first come, first served basis so early booking is advisable.
Please use the registration form below to register for the conference.
Note that our registration will now close fully on the 14th June. Pricing for the conference is as follows:
Registration Rates (until 14th June):
Full Member – €80
Full Member reduced – €65
Non-Member – €110
Non-Member reduced – €80
Please note there is no day rate available.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancelled registrations notified before 24th May 2019 will be fully refunded. Cancelled registrations notified before 7th June 2019 will receive a 50% refund. Thereafter no refunds will be available. Thank you.
Conference Dinner:
If you would like to attend the conference dinner on Friday 28th June at 7:30pm in the Locke Bar, Limerick, please tick the box below. The cost is €30 per person for a three-course meal, and you can pay in advance via Paypal or by credit card (see below). To reserve a place, we would ask that you book and pay for dinner by Friday 14th June. Attending our Conference Dinner is optional. If you wish to join us, please choose your Conference option and when the Paypal page opens, choose Continue Shopping to then add the dinner to your list.