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The Oral History Network of Ireland (OHNI) is excited to be hosting an online feedback session for Irish Community Archive Network members on Tuesday 16th July from 6:30-7:30pm.

Knowing that local heritage organisations are so essential for documenting and preserving the stories, artefacts, and culture of communities across Ireland, OHNI would love to hear from ICAN members so that we can ensure that our offer, resources, training, and events are tailored to your needs. We want to encourage and support as many people with an interest to be able to record, store, and preserve oral histories – what would make that easier for you?

The session will be an informal discussion and we’d really like to hear from you whether your organisation already records oral histories or not! Please register to attend, and confirm your permission for the session to be recorded, at the form below.  Information about how your data will be recorded can be found at the ICAN Online Feedback Session Information Sheet.

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By entering your name and completing this form, you agree to participate in OHNI's Meet Up and Feedback session for the organisation's Strategic Review funded by the Heritage Council.

Participant Consent Form

The purpose and nature of the session has been explained to me in writing.
Please review the Participant Information Sheet (PDF) linked above.
I am participating voluntarily.
I give permission for this feedback session with OHNI to be audio-recorded.
I understand that I can withdraw permission to use my data (by contacting Daisy Roberts at droberts@oralhistorynetworkireland.ie) within one week of the feedback session, in which my material will be deleted from the transcript. All audio files will be deleted 6 months after the transcript is complete but transcribed data will be retained for data retention purpose for a 10-year period and then destroyed.
I will observe confidentiality by not disclosing the identities of other participants and by keeping their feedback confidential.
I understand that extracts from the feedback session may be quoted in reports, publications, and presentations, both internal and external, but will not be attributed to my real name.

Optional Information

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