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OHNI have partnered with the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI), to provide a follow-up from our Archiving Workshop. This additional session, ‘Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage Material with the DRI’ will be held online on 21st November 3.00pm – 4.15pm (Irish Time).

This workshop is specifically focused on archiving your oral history material in this repository. The DRI is a trustworthy digital repository that provides online access to digital resources as well as education in digital preservation. By participating in this workshop OHNI members will become more familiar with what is involved in navigating and depositing in the DRI.   The workshop covers the following:

  • About DRI – who we are and what we do.
  • DRI and community archives – how DRI supports community archives from networking & training opportunities to the Community Archive Scheme
  • A walk through some of the collections in DRI
  • How to appraise your collections for depositing in an online repository (including DRI specific)
  • Advice on formats and rights statements

The DRI Digital Archivist Kevin Long will facilitate the workshop.

Free for members / €20 for non-members. Please use the form below to register.

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